Bobby Skinger - very focused, drove to win but not to do damage.  Was an absolutely genius when it came to his tires.   Did not believe in wasting money on new tires each week, spent a lot of time measuring and calculating.  Not a lot of photos of this part of our many teams, as it was well before digital.   Our very first win in racing came with Bobby at the wheel.  Winning never gets old, but the first time is special!  

After Bobby moved down south, he and Jean shared many long phone calls and we visited him in a memorable month of March, where they had a major snowstorm.   Not pretty in North Carolina when it snows!  We were stranded for a few days! Our friendship continues and we were honored to have Bobby  and Teddy join us in May 2015 as we celebrated our 50th Anniversary.  

Red and White balloons were our trademark, until, one year the Spring Sizzler Pit Party was cancelled and I could not GIVE these balloons away.  Reason:  Children Hospital did not accept latex balloons.